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📍Ruins of Beckov castle, Slovakia🪨🏰 . Legend of Becko📜 Beckov Castle is featured in an historically counterfactual legend suggests that the castle was built in the time of Stibor of Stiboricz⚔️. Stibor was accompanied by his jester🤡, Becko, on a hunting trip🦌🏹. As he entertained the men very well, Stibor offered him a deal🤝. He could ask for anything he wanted. Becko asked his master to build a castle on the hill by the end of the year🏰. Everybody who passed the hill had to help build the fortress for 8 days, and so Stibor managed to keep his promise🤞🏼. Becko became the master of this place for a year. As the castle was in a strategic position, Stibor asked Becko to leave it. Again, the jester was told to ask for anything he wanted. "Give me as much gold as I weigh💰."said Becko. He asked for yet one more thing, that the castle be named after him. At the farewell party, Becko took a bag full of gold coins and left to seek his happiness elsewhere💰✨ . #beckov #beckovcastle #beckovskyhrad #castlebeckov #slovensko #visitslovakia #exploreslovakia #tipnatrip #vyletslovenskom #vyletnaslovensku #slovenskonafotke #slovenskojekrasne #travelgram #travelista #exploreslovakia #visitslovakia #cestujslovenskom #praveslovenske #pureslovakia #thisisslovakia #slovakiagirl #slovakiatravel #travelista