Total rating: 5.0
?? (?? version below) #Galapagy su ostrovy v Ekvadore, ktore svojou jedinecnou faunou a florou vynikaju zo vsetkych miest na svete. Toto miesto je jednoznacne z jednych najkrajsich miest na zemi, ktore som navstivila a kazdy by Galapagy mal zahrnut na svoj zoznam cestovatelskych priani ❤️❤️ Na obrazku mozte vidiet neskutocne mnozstvo morskych (plavajucich) iguan. ? ?? The #Galapagos islands are islands in #Ecuador, which are ranked to be one of the most beautiful places in the world thanks to its unique fauna and flora. This place is definitely one of the most beautiful places on earth I've visited and the Galapagos should be on top of each traveller's bucket list. ❤️❤️ In the picture you can see an unintentional amount of marine (swiming) iguanas. ?