Total rating: 5.0
•??> Koloseum je prekrásny veľký amfieáter, ktorý patrí medzi sedem novodobých divov sveta a my sme veľmi radi že sa nám toto krásne miesto konečne podarilo navštíviť. Slúžilo na rôzne hry, gladiátorské zápasy a zápasy zvierat, toto sa však zakázalo na konci 5. storočia. V 15. storočí sa ale z neho stal kameňolom a kamene z neho boli použité na krásnu Baziliku Sv. Petra. ———————————————————————— •??> Colosseum is beautiful amphitheater which belongs to the list of new seven wonders of the world and we were really happy to finally be there. This beautiful building served for various games like gladiator and animal matches. But this was forbidden at the end of 5. century. Colosseo became like a stone-pit in 15. century and stones from this amazing building were used for the another beautiful building - St. Peter’s basilica.