Norway is an absolute camper country and many people come here precisely to camp and explore nature. But if you are not an absolute camping fan, you might like glamping.
We have already shown you something of the unique mirror cabins from Wonderinn, but nothing about these cool igloo cabins. With this beautiful glamping accommodation you are very close to nature, but still have luxury. This cabin
Norway is an absolute camper country and many people come here precisely to camp and explore nature. But if you are not an absolute camping fan, you might like glamping.
We have already shown you something of the unique mirror cabins from Wonderinn, but nothing about these cool igloo cabins. With this beautiful glamping accommodation you are very close to nature, but still have luxury. This cabin is a bit hidden, you really have all to yourself and still have a great view!
What more could you want? >>>>>
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Náš první hike na našem road tripu. Odpoledne jsme opustili Queenstown a postupně jsme stoupali výš a výš až na vrchol Ben Lomond. Počasí nám po cestě moc nepřálo, ale nakonec nám to vynahradil nádherný západ slunce. Tenhle hike mi utkvěl v paměti jako začátek našeho nezapomenutelného dobrodružství a konec mého pobytu na Novém Zélandu.
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